20+Years Experience
我們在香港從事髮型行業超過20年,曾於中環、銅鑼灣Salon Esprit 擔任創意總監,多次獲得店內最高營業額獎座。
曾於銅鑼灣 Hair Do Group(總公司於日本)身兼店長、髮型技術導師及髮型師三職。 連續三年全公司男性客人最多及成為客人再來店(回客率)最高紀錄。
2011年10月,我們共同在銅鑼灣創立了Reborn Hair Ltd。
2021年,我們將Reborn Hair Ltd傳承予共同奮鬥多年手足們去繼續經營發展。
2023年10月,我們創立了Ninki Hair Ltd 。 我們會繼續以團隊服務為軸心,日本髮型技術為基礎,為顧客提供最舒適、貼心服務唯宗旨。 給予客人使用的產品,全是日本和國際上嶄新、安全的品牌。
(在Reborn Hair Ltd期間)除了日常髮型業務外,我們全力支持及鼓勵公司上下伙伴們參與日本和國際上不同髮型比賽,挑戰自我。而他們亦不負眾望,屢獲殊榮。 同時我們亦活躍於其他創作範疇,例如:海報拍攝、舞台劇造型、電視劇、樂壇頒獎禮、電影頒獎禮造型及演唱會造型等等..
梁曉豐 (組合Playtime成員)等等..
曾合作歌影視藝人有: 組合Playtime (梁曉豐、林耀聲、岑珈其、黃溢濠)、麥曦茵(電影導演)、盧鎮業(演員,導演)、曹震豪(創作歌手)、組合Swag、 Ricky Stone(全球百大DJ)、鄭丹瑞、張立基、周中(美女廚房)、Harry 哥哥(魔術)、組合C-AllStar、 Anson Lo、邵音音、楊天經、李煥林(機動兵工廠),梁小冰等等....
We have been involved in the hairstyling industry in Hong Kong for over 20 years. We have served as creative directors at Salon Espirit in Central and Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, and have received the highest sales award at the store multiple times. One of us previously worked as a store manager, hairstyling technical instructor, and hairstylist at Causeway Bay Hair Do Group, which is headquartered in Japan.
We hold the record for the highest number of male customers and the highest rate of repeat customers (customer retention rate) for three consecutive years.
In October 2011, we co-founded Reborn Hair Ltd in Causeway Bay.
In 2021, we transferred the ownership of Reborn Hair Ltd to our long-time colleagues, who continue to operate and develop the business.
In October 2023, we established Ninki Hair Ltd. Our focus remains on teamwork and Japanese hair technology as the foundation. Our goal is to provide customers with the most comfortable and attentive service. All the products we offer to our guests are brand-new and safe, sourced from Japan and internationally.
In addition to our daily hairstyling business at Reborn Hair Ltd, we wholeheartedly support and encourage our company partners to participate in various hair competitions in Japan and internationally to challenge themselves. They have consistently met our expectations and achieved numerous awards. Simultaneously, we are actively involved in other creative fields, including poster photography, stage play styling, TV series, music award ceremony styling, movie award ceremony styling, and concert styling.